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Sequi Molestias Non Laudantium

Architecto pariatur ipsum sed. Voluptates eos tenetur sunt sit quis temporibus sunt nesciunt. Culpa ex occaecati est. Quo in et dignissim


Impedit et maxime quae autem est magnam quasi explicabo corporis. Quibusdam id delectus fugit qui numquam itaque.

Repudiandae Praesentium Et

Similique id possimus. Magnam animi omnis quidem dignissimos nemo eos totam. Ea qui consequuntur consequatur aut illo quia qu

Ex Ut Sint Illo


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Times of Worship

Holy Eucharist and Sermon

Sunday at 10:00 AM

The name comes from the Greek word eucharistia which means "thanksgiving". This is what we, as His disciples, His Church, His redeemed, are to do on the first day of the week, the Lord's Day, as a weekly celebration of his saving work and Resurrection. The best name for it is the Holy Eucharist.

Daily Evening Prayer

Monday through Friday at 4:00 PM

Our practice at the Church of Our Lord is to pray full Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer every day at 4:30 pm Monday through Friday with the daily Psalm(s) and all three lectionary readings. Evening Prayer gives growing Christians the opportunity to ask questions about the meaning of the readings. It has proven to be a productive opportunity for growth in the written Word of God for all who attend.

Bible Study

Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Every Christian should be a serious student of the Bible through individual Bible study and group Bible study. If you don't go to a Bible Study, you are missing out "big time". The Liturgy of the Word is not only reading the Old Testament but teaching based on the Word of God.

Want to get in touch?

6230 Isleta Blvd SW Albuquerque, NM 87105