Times of Worship

Sunday at 10 AM

Holy Eucharist and Sermon

The principal worship of the historic Church is the Holy Eucharist or Holy Communion. This showing forth of Jesus’ Perfect Sacrifice is the wonderful Sacrament that Our Lord Himself established in the Upper Room on the night before He suffered and died for us. This is what, we, as His disciples, His Church, His redeemed, are to do on the first day of the week and on other holy days when we gather. We celebrate Jesus’ saving work and Resurrection until He comes again. In this wonderful sacrament, Jesus comes to us. We can only respond to such divine love in the here and now by thankfully and gratefully giving ourselves, our souls and bodies, to Him as living sacrifices to be lived out in our daily lives. Thankful worship spills over into the constancy of daily living.

Monday through Friday at 5:00 PM

Daily Evening Prayer

Daily Evening Prayer is an opportunity at the end of each weekday for group worship, prayer, and learning. Regular attendance at Evening Prayer gives growing Christians the opportunity to ask questions about the meaning of the readings for the day. It has proven to be a productive opportunity for growth in understanding and appreciation for the written Word of God for all who attend.

Wednesday at 7:00 PM

Bible Study

Every Christian should be - indeed must be -  a serious student of the Bible through individual Bible study and group Bible study. Your pastors and other mature Christians can give directions for a daily quiet time or personal Bible study, but nothing can possibly take the place of a number of believers and seekers regularly and methodically studying the Sacred Scriptures together. That is what we do at Bible studies whenever and wherever they are held at the Church of Our Lord. It cannot be stressed enough the importance and absolute need to study the Word of God together along with a capable teacher! If you don’t regularly participate in a Bible Study, you are missing out “big time!"

Want to get in touch?

6230 Isleta Blvd SW Albuquerque, NM 87105